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Monday, November 24, 2008

Re-Painting a Home Without Paint

I came up with a great idea while driving to work today. This idea is one of those strange ones that makes you sit and wonder.

Painting a room takes a lot of time, money and effort. Few people like the effort that is involved from scraping the old color off, and even less from making sure they don’t miss every single little spot. It has to look nice, and it has to be clean. Never mind the amount of money that’s involved in buying all that paint.

Then of course, if you try out a room color, and it looks terrible – then what do you do? You have to re-do the whole thing! More time and effort and money are again eaten. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a way of having a wall décor that wasn’t based on physical items like paint, wallpaper or molding?

It exists today, but isn’t being put to use in the mainstream market yet. I think it should be, and I think this application would be rather cool. They’re called E-Textiles, and once they hit mainstream, this would be a very cool application for them.

Imagine, instead of having walls, having a screen of E-Cloth lying flat on your wall. Your home computer has a program that tells the wall what shade to be. You could have family photos, paintings, and any decoration or style that you want to be displayed. You can have a different look today than you do tomorrow, and have different displays in each room.

You could also incorporate sound with tiny speakers inter-dispersed within the fabric. Have a room that makes you feel like the ocean with a beach scenery, and ocean noises. Better yet, can you imagine video gaming technology off of this kind of fabric? Talk about being in the action! Imagine flying around Netherstorm while it’s surrounding you – literally.

Receive phone calls or videos from friends. Check your e-mail. All of this is possible with an E-Textile wall.

I think this is very cool tech, and I hope home applications are put to use within the next few years.

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